Diploma Chemical Engineering : Laboratory

Chemical Engineering :: Laboratory Information

1 Mechanical and Fluid flow operation
2 Fundamentals of Chemical Engg. / Chemical Process Technology
3 Mass and Heat Transfer
4 Industrial instrumentation and Process control
5 Project and Environmental technology
6 Computer


Name of laboratory: Mechanical and Fluid flow operation
Lab-in – charge : Miss. M. M. Bhosale
Lab. assistant : Mr. V.P. Sankpal
Area in Sq.mtr. 66
Approximate Investment 766548.25
Name of laboratory: Fundamentals of Chemical Engg. / Technology of inorganic chemicals
Lab-in – charge : Miss. S.B. Surve
Lab. assistant : Mr. D.A. Shinde
Area in Sq.mtr. 66
Approximate Investment 70568.4
Name of laboratory: Mass and Heat Transfer
Lab-in – charge : Mr. M. M. Joshi
Lab. assistant : Mr. V.P. Sankpal
Area in Sq.mtr. 66
Approximate Investment 478660.87
Name of laboratory: Industrial instrumentation and Process control
Lab-in – charge : Mr.S.D. Chougule
Lab. assistant : Mr. V.P. Sankpal
Area in Sq.mtr. 66
Approximate Investment  263382.95
Name of laboratory: Project and Environmental technology
Lab-in – charge : Mr. V.A. Patil
Lab. assistant : Mr. D.A. Shinde
Area in Sq.mtr. 66
Approximate Investment 283301.5
Name of laboratory: Computer
Lab-in – charge : Mr. V.B. Pawar
Lab. assistant : Mr. D.A. Shinde
Area in Sq.mtr. 66
Approximate Investment 696220.00

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